Saturday, August 16, 2014

Tsuritama, A Fishing Anime?

Hi mina san! LalakoKyubey reporting to scene! I am the main admin of this page, and you will see me very often! 

Our first anime review...will be...Tsuritama! 

Before I even start, this has minor spoilers! Also, please no flames! It's really annoying when you have to tell a person multiple times that it's just my opinion alone! So, with that let us start the review! 

Looking at this picture, avid shounen watchers or our action lovers, go "Bleghh! This is a girlish anime and probably all fangirly!" and throw away the slightest chance for this anime. Actually, I had the same reaction, and did not watch it the moment it came out, like I did for animes like Tokyo Ghoul. That is the worst mistake that anyone could make for this anime. After watching this, I was mind blown, and found that the common saying, "Don't judge a book by it's cover" was perfect in this situation. So those of you, still not convinced to watch, read on~

Tsuritama revolves around our main character, Yuki Sanada, a high school student who lives with his grandmother. Constantly moving around due to his grandmother's frequent job relocation, Yuki is socially awkward, and unable to make friends. Whenever he becomes embarrassed, it shows Yuki drowning and panicking, and always ends up making a demonic face that people perceive as anger. 

The story begins with Yuki moving to Enoshima, and we are introduced to a white haired boy named Haru, who carries a fishbowl on his head, and claims to be an alien, appearing on Yuki's front doorstep. Haru comes to live with Yuki, and the story mainly revolves on Haru's main goal and the mystery of him coming to Earth.  

Later on, we are introduced to the rest of the main cast, Akira and Natsuki. Akira is an Indian who is sent to spy on Haru, and is always with his duck Tapioca, and is part of a secret organization called Duck. Natsuki, who is somewhat unable to open himself to people, is a serious character, who is highly gifted at fishing. Nicknamed, The Fishing Prince, he reluctantly starts teaching Yuki and Haru how to fish, and Akira slowly joins them.

Here is Akira

Here is Natsuki

Now some of you may be asking, "LalakoKyubey, what's so special about it? It's just a random fishing anime, that all the girls watch!" 

Tsuritama is a special anime in that it is well rounded in every aspect, and there is no gaping plot holes left to decipher. Each character is highly relatable, and does not follow the stereotypical anime characters. Tsuritama is a well written anime, and Kenji Nakamura, did a good job with plot and voice cast. Each character has a problem, and within the 12 episodes, all the characters develop in to a person that was better than before. The friendship bond, is tied in deep, with solid well made plot. It is a group of outcasts and socially awkward, bond together with a common hobby and find the growth of friendship. Aside from the plot, the artwork and the animation is clear and refreshing, and the colors are bright, and Enoshima is drawn as calm to the eye. It also has an amazing soundtrack, and also has a solid voice cast, who acts perfectly in each scene. 

Now on to the scores...

Plot: 10/10 
I usually never give out 10's for plot, but this is an exception. Tsuritama really hit my heart with the perfect unique story line, ending and character development.

Art: 10/10 
As for the art, I though it was absolutely perfect, and perfect for the atmosphere that Tsuritama gave off; the bright cheerfulness and the peaceful serenity.

Voice Cast: 9/10
It was almost perfect, except for Haru's voice. I am being seriously picky, but I wish there was more depth to his voice, instead of remaining in the high pitched area. But I loved Haru! He was a perfect character, and was essential to this story!

Music: 9/10 
I am a violinist, pianist, and an electric drummer, and I am crazy picky about my anime soundtracks. The music was amazing with pure orchestral, but sometimes too lighthearted for the scene. 

Overall, I do really recommend this anime with all my heart! These characters and story will latch on to you, and leave you with a crazy smile throughout the whole series! It was addicting, and can be finished easily in a weekend! It's a unique story, and a really happy story on top of that! It is amazing, and I do consider it my top ten. 

So, I hope you liked this review, and I hope you like Tsuritama as well! Until the next time I post, which might be today, DUCK! (You'll get this joke if you watched the anime.)

PS: I would love to talk about your opinions too, so comment below, and if you liked it, please follow! Thank you so much! Hope you enjoyed OAR's first review! 


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