Friday, August 15, 2014


Welcome to O.A.R!

Hi mina san! Welcome to Otaku Anime Reviews! We are so glad you can join us LalakoKyubey, aka NekoStare, in our passion for anime and blogging! Anime is one of the things that brings people together, and this blog’s goal is to gather otakus, and start a friendly conversation about anime! This is an anime critique and recommendation blog, and primarily will be composed of pictures, reviews, and suggestions. Remember, those of you who love to hate and flame, this is our opinion! If you feel as though we are wrong, please do not flame. So to those who don’t like us...uhm...Too bad? Thank you for joining on our first introduction post! We are so glad that you can join us, and we also hope that you enjoy our recommendations!

-From your admin:
LalakoKyubey 人◕ ‿‿ ◕人

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