Saturday, August 16, 2014

Aldnoah Zero.. Trust or Not to Trust? First Impressions of the 7 episodes.

Hi mina san! Second post of the day. This post will be focusing on reviewing rather than recommending the 2014 summer new mecha anime, Aldnoah Zero. For those of you looking forward to a completely spoiler free review...Sorry for the severe disappointment. But there will be a certain point that you can read up to without having it spoiled, so I will mark that spot clearly for you in this review! Remember, please no flames. Or you will BE flamed! So without further delay let's start! 

For a quick summary for those of you who have not watched this anime, Aldnoah Zero takes place in Earth with a different past. In 1972, a new transportation device, also known as a hypergate emerged from the surface of the moon, so people of the Earth took advantage of this and started settling in Mars. After settling, people found other high technology, and used this to form an Empire, called the Vers Empire, who locked out the rest of the people on Earth, and claimed Mars and its high technology for themselves. After declaring war on 1999, on the moon, in 2014 the Vers Empire wished for a peace treaty sending the princess, Asseylum Vers Allusia, on to Earth, and she is attacked by terrorists on Earth, and the Vers Empire resumes war.

(Please stop reading, those of you who don't want spoilers! Aldnoah Zero's recommendation and review will come out after it's last episode September 9, 2014.) 

Most of you would ask, "LalakoKyubey, why are you reviewing an anime before it ends? It's on it's 7th episode out of the 12th, and there are some really plot essential topics that might come out in the last three episodes." I decided to review what I felt like in the last seven episodes, for I thought that Aldnoah Zero could have great potential, but also have severe dislike. 

When first watching these series, I was awed by the amazing art, design, and music. Takako Shimura did an amazing job with the designs, and I applaud her for the great ideas she thought up with Kenji Teraoka. The robot designs are clear, 3D, and each movement is vivid, showing what Inaho must have felt like in the robot. Slaine is also a well developed character, and his voice actor, Kensho Ono, clearly takes to Slaine's personality. Kalafina does an amazing job as usual with her singing. I had great expectations for the anime, but slightly let down by the unrealistic responses of the characters, and somewhat rushed feeling.

I would first like to talk about Inaho's personality. I was expecting more of a deeper background story to him, and the reason why he does not trust anybody, not even his friends. As shown in the latest seventh episode and almost in every episode, he is only portrayed in using people to his benefit in battle. We clearly see this in his reaction towards Slaine. He literally just jumped on Slaine's craft, ordered him to help him, and then shot him down as a simple thank you.  

Me most of the time watching Inaho.

Aside from his unexplained complex, it seems like ten episodes isn't enough to develop his personality and character traits. This anime is very high paced, going right in to the fighting, no explanations, bombs dropping everywhere. It is a good action anime, great art, but for characters, I find it a huge mistake to try to cram their personality in to 12 episodes. It seems like Inhao is just starting to show his true personality underneath, and if it took 7 episodes to just start, I don't think five episodes would suffice for the remaining flakes. It's just not enough time for characters to develop, even the other main cast besides Inaho.Everyone is just high reaction, there is no realistic response from anyone. People should be panicking, and screaming, but everyone is calm, gets on a robot, and starts killing people. 

Aside from the rant I just had, I think Aldnoah Zero would do much better as a 2 season, 24 episodes each season than a 12 episode anime like they are trying to make. I think then, we will get to cover all these plot holes, and unexplained character traits, and Aldnoah Zero will shine as one of the most changing and beautiful mecha, and revolutionary anime of the year. For now, it remains uncertain that Aldnoah Zero would reach that point.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely am hooked with the plot, art, and music! I do suggest this to those who love action, and slow plot. I'm just worried that Aldnoah would end too soon, and leave us hanging without a satisfying ending. 

So what do you think? Comment below your opinions, and I'll be glad to listen and talk about it! Thank you so much for reading this review, and I hope you enjoyed it! As for the formal recommendation, I'll make sure to post it, the moment the last episode comes out!


PS: If you liked this review, make sure to press the +1, and it would be great if you could follow us, and tell people about this blog! So, until I post again, which might be today, (highly likely), see you later! 

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