Saturday, August 30, 2014

Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun Midterm Recomendation! :3

Hello mina san! I'm so sorry for the huge gaps in between my posts, and the sudden hiatus. I was quite busy for some reason, and I wasn't able to blog... (Internal sobbing). Aside from that, today, we will start off with a review! Today's review is...Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun! Again, sorry if you are expecting this to be a totally spoiler free review, but this is aimed mostly towards people that are up to the latest episode of this anime. Don't worry! Since this is a midterm recommendation, it is also to those of you who are slightly wanting to start Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun! Also, please no flames! It really isn't a good feeling when putting up a post, and seeing someone ranting about what you wrote. With that note, let's start the review! 

Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, also known as Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, revolves around the various situations of the high school students. Student, Chiyo Sakura, confesses to her all time crush Umetaro Nozaki, but somehow, Nozaki kun signs an autograph board and hands it to Chiyo! Chiyo obviously being confused about this reaction tells Nozaki kun that she wants to be with him. With this Nozaki kun invites Chiyo to his house, and has her help inking his manga art. Going home, Chiyo takes a look at the autograph board, and finds out that Nozaki kun is actually a renown shoujo manga artist, with his pen name Sakikio Yumeno, and the whole time Nozaki kun had mistaken her as a fan. Later agreeing to be his assistant to get closer to him, she meets other students that help assist Nozaki kun, and also whom Nozaki kun takes and uses as inspirations. 

When starting this anime, one should always keep in mind that this is a comedy anime made to MAKE FUN OF SHOUJO animes. So, although there is some sweet moments, especially the senpai to kohai moments of Yu and Masayuki, you must make sure not to expect much from the ending, especially the moments of Nozaki and Chiyo. So when starting to watch this, make sure to not expect the deep plot twists, huge character developments, and love troubles that deeply involves the characters crying in despair. GSNK is a shoujo-comedy anime, and I doubt that it would be nothing more.

Crying over the endless love~

Cute scenes of the true kohai to senpai relationship...

So, do I recommend it? Yes. To those looking for things other than  comedy? No. This recommendation was not really to recommend, but rather to those who were confused about the real point about GSNK. This recommendation is probably dedicated towards the people who keep on flaming GSNK for the wrong reason, and having the wrong mindset.

Too kawaii... Nosebleed drip.

Eh! That was a really short recommendation! No worries! People looking for the full recommendation, it will come out when GSNK finishes its series! And today, I will somewhat make up for the hiatus that I had... Well until later!


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