It is slightly raining where I live, and as I looked outside, I was reminded about the anime...Nisekoi! Today's recommendation will be about the lovey - dovey, harem, Nisekoi! Please, before I continue, again I ask you to remember the no flame rule, and understand this is my opinion only! Since this is a recommendation, there will be no spoilers, and if so, only mild touches of them. So with that, let's start our anime recommendation!

Nisekoi features Raku Ichijou, the high school son of the yakuza group, Shuei Gumi, who only wishes for a normal life, a planned out education career, and to fulfill finding the girl who he made the promise with ten years ago, over a locket, which he wears around his neck, and a key, which the girl has. After promising the unknown and forgotten girl, Raku Ichijou searches for the girl that might hold the key to his lock, finding new found hope in his high school. The story continues, and when walking to school, Raku is kneed in the face by a blond girl named Chitoge, who attempts to jump over a wall, and after she runs away, Raku is faced with the horror of loosing his lock.
After he finding out that Chitoge is a transfer student in his class, Raku forces her to search for the lock with him, and during the search, both find out that they do not like each other. Returning home, Raku is told that due to the new alliance and peace treaty with the yakuza gang, Beehive Gangs, Raku, the son of Shuei Gumi, will have to date Chitoge, the daughter of the Beehive Gangs! Conflicts arise, as Raku loves Onodera, a classmate, dearly, and the complications of duplicate keys! Is it true love? Or is it Nisekoi?

I was never in to harems, because of the constant fan service that they portray to the female characters. Big chested, overly shy, or constantly tsundere to the point where it was annoying. Nisekoi didn't fan service as much, as it was produced by Shaft, but I did not watch for the romantic aspect of it, but rather the comedy. Nisekoi is indeed a decent harem, but I found that it wasn't the romantic and drama aspect of it that shined, but the comedy was lighthearted , innocent, and best of all, it shows the true meaning of being a teenager.

Nisekoi did a great job of flowing the plots together, and developing a decent plot for a harem. The relationships weren't too confusing, and since I am a character development freak ( :D ), it wasn't enough to fit my taste, but I clearly saw Onodera's development from a shy girl to a little more outgoing, and Chitoge from a violent person, to more opening and honest. I wish that Raku also developed in to the deeper character, but since this is a harem, focusing on the aspects of the girls, I know and knew that I couldn't expect from much the main boy character.
Shaft Head Turn!
Aside from the plot, the art was very clear and fresh. The art wasn't necessarily unique, but it wasn't sketchy, and had good fresh summer colors, and good graphics. The facial expressions were portrayed clearly, and I knew exactly what the character was feeling, and was very relatable. I congratulate on Shaft, choosing a steady staff to work on the art aspect, and I was amazed by the clarity of the relations with the audience and the characters.
So to the main question, "Does LalakoKyubey recommend it?" If you like lighthearted, comedy harems, yes. If you like serious harems with murder and yanderes or forbidden love...then no. Like I stated before, Nisekoi's main point was the art and the comedy. The plot is decent, but not deep, and the theme sometimes turns "Shaft like".
Plot: 7/10
The plot was ok~, the only reason why I gave it a seven was the funny scenes. Sometimes the characters infuriated me, and it was sometime frustrating to watch.
Art: 9/10
It was decent and clean, but sometimes, they overused the color pink on the characters bodies, constantly making them look like they have a permanent sun tan.
Voice Actors: 8/10
The voice actors were decent, but I found that Raku's voice especially did not have much depth or feeling to it. Serious scenes, especially when he is fighting, his voice sometimes goes monotone.
Music: 6/10
Good opening by ClariS, but the music was not a theme or a used as much in this anime. I think if the producers used a tiny bit more orchestral music or soft lyrics, it would have worked well as a background developer.
Overall, the anime was good, but wasn't amazing. Would I watch the second season if it came out? No. But the first season is something to enjoy, and if you want teen romance, then this is the place to go.
So, I hope you enjoyed this recommendation, and I would love to hear your comments and questions down below in the comment box! So, until later!
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