Monday, July 6, 2015

★ Toy Gun Gun! ★ Aoharu x Kikanjuu 1st Episode Reaction / Review

Wow! I am very excited to see my favorite manga finally being turned in to an anime, and to see how well the producers turn this in to an action, comedy, and shounen packed anime of the year! With that, ladies and gentleman, I would like to introduce to you Aoharu x Kikanjuu! This anime and manga's story line is quite unique as a whole, and I do recommend the manga wholeheartedly. As for the anime, I would like to do a first episode reaction type of article for today! 

I am hesitant to give a summary out because I would be basing the summary off of the manga, which is much further ahead of the anime, and even the slightest things can come out as spoilers. So for those of you who still want the summary, please click the hidden text link below.


I actually enjoyed the first episode very much. Emphasis on the "very much". The opening was an amazing start, from the voice actor to the graphics, and I would continue watching to the second episode. What I am expecting to see is the border line seriousness and reality versus comedic side of the manga being featured in the anime. If Brain Studios manages to hit that side of the anime and manga, I think this will definitely make it to the end of my top 10 summer anime list. The story is light hearted while delivering the classic shounen theme, and overall the first episode was a big hit. 

Quite the transformation  

This is honestly a highly unique anime and manga, and overall very hard to compare it to other animes that have the same tone. It has the border line serious but comedic nature like Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki kun, but you would have to replace every character and add in a few gun and survival game outfits. 

For a more solid calculation, I did a basic number judging below: 

Opening: 8/10
Graphics: 8.5/10 
Voice Acting: 9/10
Expectations for further episodes: 8/10

An overall 33.5/40, which makes it a sold anime to recommend and watch. 

With that note, I will end the 1st Episode Review, and I hope to see the next episode soon! 

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