Monday, May 4, 2015

Just A Little Note :3

Hello Mina san! LalakoKyubey reporting in! Life has been tough, and I couldn't post as much! From studying and family problems, I'm coming back to a rough start to blogging and posting! If you know my other account, NekoStare on Anime Section, you can see that I wasn't active at all! I guess there was a moment where I felt dejected when starting as a solo blogger and not having a big of a hit as I did on a big, already known page. I know it's no excuse, but I just wanted to thank all of you who continued to follow me, and I hope you'll come to like my other reviews too! (Oh, I have some really good recommendations and reviews up my sleeve)


PS: If you would like me to review a certain anime, please comment below! I love to hear what you guys want, and I feel so encouraged when I see comments! 

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