Sunday, January 4, 2015

Long Boring Hiatus Excuse.....But Also Some Hints About What's Coming NEXT~!

Dear Mina san,

Please forgive my hiatuussssss~ LalakoKyubey is finally back for more critiquing, fangirling, recommending, all fresh and new for the 2015 year!!! (Not that there are hundreds of people viewing my blog and writing T.T) But, that is one of my new years goals that I really want to reach~ 

I was busy for the last few months, and if you follow me as NekoStare on Anime Section, you may have seen that I had trouble even posting there... But, I am finally back!!! 

I was wondering if I should change to Tumblr, but with logging on to it once, I had to back out... I had absolutely no clue how to make it kawaii and adorable, but I think I might do a second attempt. I'm trying to switch mainly because of how it's so hard to even find this website because of that extra that comes in the link. Tell me what you think that I should do below on the comments-*huge sigh effect* Enough ranting! There are so many reviews, character analysis, and summaries that I have up my sleeves for you guys! Try to guess some of the things that I might just write below on the comment stream! 

For the 2015 year one of my top goals is for people to converse and use my blog as somewhere that they can look for new anime! I really hope that this blog can grow bigger, and you can help share the otaku message just by following this blog! I will be posting more often then last year, so I hope that my blog can grow even bigger! 

-LalakoKyubey  :3 
Status: Listening to Amatsuki's cute voice!!! ( 

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