Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hamatora, Detectives or Super Power Group?

Hi mina san, LalakoKyubey finally reporting to scene! Wow, I did not expect that hiatus, and this time, I will truly go back to posting at humane speed. For today's anime recommendation...it will be the Hamatora series! (Both seasons, so also including Re: Hamatora.) Again, this has minor spoilers, but not that are hugely impacting to the plot, and only for the sake of introducing characters and plot. Please don't flame, it's my opinion, if you hate it, I'm sorry for being the worst person in your life. So, let us start  the review of Hamatora!

Hamatora takes place in modern Yokohama, and a small population of the city has a power called "Minimum", which basically is like a super power. This "Minimum" can vary from mind control to enhancing looks on camera. Nice, our main character, lives is Yokohama as a Minimum holder, and operates a Minimum detective agency in a cafe named Cafe Nowhere. There, we are introduced to Birthday, Ratio, Hajime, Murasaki, Honey, and Three, along with a close friend of Nice named Art who is an investigator. All have graduated from a school named, Facultas Academy, made specifically for Minimum Holders, but has it changed their future? And what are the secrets of Facultas and Yokohama?


This anime has huge potential, to the point where it's overwhelmingly saddening to see this series end in an unsatisfying fashion, but this is a good anime, that should on your "to watch list" if not already watched. But most people ask, "Who do you recommend it to LalakoKyubey?" 

Hamatora is interesting in that, Yuuki Kodama has a comic gag scenes but 12 minutes later, you're bawling your eyes out because of this huge tragic moment. Kodama sensei is known for his crazy shifts in moods and tones, going peak happy to valley depressing, but also for his great talents in hiding underlying meanings. For a more common anime of his, refer to Blood Lad. This anime is aimed towards people who wants a balance between a human and antagonist. There is no romance, and this is not shoujo at all, and actually leaning more towards seinen, not for perverted scenes <there is none, so if looking for that, it's not in Hamatora>, but for the deep meanings that are better understood as a 17 year old and older. But, if you think you can understand it, I suggest to fully go out for it! 

With this we will move on to character development, the highlight of Hamatora. Hamatora has real life, down to earth human characters. These characters resemble human psychology, and don't have personalities like no one is bound to have on earth. Like, the hero, Nice, is at times, pretty antagonistic, like a normal human should be. All characters feel things, jealously,despair, happiness, and you can really connect to the characters because they are heartfelt and real. Each character has full development, not missing out on any back story, but there are no fillers, and moves the plot along at the same speed as the character development. As for characters, Hamatora did a good job defining personality and observing human feelings and putting it in to their characters. 

The downside of this anime may be the gag scenes. Some of you may know from watching Blood Lad, but Yuuki Kodama sometimes kills the mood and the whole depth to the conversation by adding a gag scene! The most frustrating part was at the end of the story, so be prepared. (Comments below, try not to spoil!) Now on to the scores...

Plot: 8/10 

Great story idea, but please, no gag scenes in the middle of no where! I wish that the ending could be a little more thought out, and sometimes, Nice was really overpowered. For example, (does not come out in the anime), if someone shot him, he would randomly manage to recover, and throw full on punches. Other then the terrible gag scene placements and Nice's overpower, the plot was detailed and thought out.

Voice Cast: 7/10

It was OK, but sometimes, the voice actor's voices would not match the character's emotions. Especially for Birthday kun, who would remain happy no matter what situation.

Art: 9/10 

The art was very interesting, and a new take anime art. It's hard to describe, but it is very natural, pretty, and clean.

Music: 8/10 

Again, not the best, but both opening songs were amazing. 

So, do I recommend this? Yes. Will you like it? I'm not sure. Hamatora is an anime that you either hate or love. Overall, it was a good anime, and it is something you should watch when you have time, or don't have anything else to watch. 

I hope you liked my review, and I will now go off from the stagnant periods I had on posting! So, until then! 


PS. Please press the +1 button on the bottom, and like our blog~! Hope you like Hamatora too :3

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